girl holding a stick

Building Resilience

Posted: 23rd September 2024

At Kew College Prep, we understand that many children feel nervous about making mistakes, which can often hold them back from exploring new opportunities. That’s why we’re committed to nurturing self-esteem and resilience, showing our pupils that mistakes aren’t something to fear, but an essential part of the learning process. In our supportive and tight-knit community, our teachers focus on building strong, trusting relationships with each child, using positive praise to create a space where students feel confident trying new things. Whether they’re tackling a challenging maths problem, performing on stage, or competing in sports, our pupils are encouraged to believe in themselves and their potential in every aspect of school life.

One of the ways we achieve this is through sticky questions, where there isn’t a clear right or wrong answer. These spark open discussions and encourage critical thinking, allowing children to see that the journey of figuring things out is just as important as the solution. By exploring different viewpoints, they learn to embrace uncertainty and recognise the value in trial and error.

Our teachers also model this mindset by openly demonstrating how they handle mistakes and learn from them, reminding students that nobody is perfect. This gives children the confidence to step outside their comfort zones, take risks, and keep going even when things get tough. In our PSHE lessons, we regularly talk about resilience, helping each child recognise their unique strengths and celebrate the progress they’re making, because success isn’t just about the end result, but the journey to get there.

We also introduce the concept of a growth mindset, teaching children that just because something feels hard now doesn’t mean it will always be that way. This understanding helps them approach challenges with patience and determination, knowing that every step forward is progress. To celebrate these achievements, we hold regular assemblies where children proudly share their successes, both in and out of school.

Beyond the classroom, our outdoor learning environments, like forest school sessions, offer even more chances to build resilience. From climbing trees to using tools for woodwork, our Nursery and Reception children engage in “risky play,” which fosters independence and a “can-do” attitude. These hands-on activities help children develop the perseverance needed to tackle new challenges both outdoors and in the classroom.

We believe that praise, reward, and recognition are essential to helping children push beyond their perceived limits. Through positive feedback, house points, and awards, we celebrate not only top achievements but also the effort it takes to overcome hurdles. At Kew College Prep, children learn that mistakes are simply stepping stones to success. By incorporating problem-solving, sports, and mindfulness into our curriculum, we give our pupils the tools they need to become resilient, confident learners who aren’t afraid to take on whatever comes their way.

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