girl holding a stick

Reception Celebrations

Posted: 20th December 2024

two little angels

This term, our Reception classes have embraced the beauty of diversity in our community, exploring a variety of celebrations and traditions that have sparked curiosity, creativity, and joy in our classrooms.

Here’s a glimpse into some of what the children have been up to:

Bonfire Night: The children explored the magic of fireworks through fascinating firework art. They also enhanced the celebration in music and movement by becoming fireworks, catherine wheels and exploding in the sky with their whole bodies.

Diwali: We learned the story of Rama and Sita and decorated beautiful rangoli patterns. The children also attended an assembly led by several parents from the Infant House.

Remembrance Day: The children created a wonderful poppy wreath to commemorate the day followed by an assembly led by the year 3 children.

Thanksgiving: We had the pleasure of welcoming a parent, who taught us about Thanksgiving traditions in the USA. The children reflected on what they were grateful for and wrote this on lovely turkey crafts.

Christmas: We immersed ourselves in the story of the first Christmas through books and storytelling. The children also attended an assembly about Christmas. The term ended with the children presenting a beautiful nativity play, showcasing their creativity and confidence.

• Hanukkah: Mrs El-baz (who works in our support team) shared the history and traditions of Hanukkah, giving the children a wonderful insight into its significance by bringing menorahs and dreidels that the children enjoyed observing and playing with.

A special mention to our spontaneous visit to St Andrew’s Church in Ham during forest school, where the children had an enriching opportunity to learn more about Christmas.

It has been a joy to see the children embrace and engage with these celebrations, appreciating the beautiful diversity and traditions that make our community so special.

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