girl creating circuits


Kew College Prep offers a limited number of means-tested bursaries to allow children from households with modest assets and incomes to benefit from the wonderful experience that Kew College Prep provides.

To be considered for a bursary, the child must apply for Year 3 or 4 entry and will be subject to an academic assessment to identify their potential. A full financial circumstances form will also be needed. Bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Governors and are not eligible to parents applying from overseas.


How do I apply?

Please email the Registrar ( advising that you wish to apply. You will be provided with an application form to allow the academic assessment to begin and a copy of the confidential full financial circumstances form, which you do not need to complete until advised to do so by the Bursar.

If your child’s academic assessment is successful, the Bursar will contact you to complete the confidential full financial circumstance form.

When do I apply for a bursary?

Parents of any prospective candidate who wishes to enter Kew College Prep in Years 3 or 4, as well as those of existing pupils, may submit an application at any time during the year. For a child to be considered for a bursary in September, the bursary application forms (academic and financial) must be completed prior to the end of the Spring Term of the preceding academic year, to allow the Governors time to assess the application.

Prospective pupils should be registered with Kew College Prep before an application for a bursary is made. You will see on the Registration Form that there is a registration fee of £75; this fee can be waived for bursary applicants for whom it is a hurdle. Please contact the school Bursar directly to discuss in confidence. For a successful bursary application, it is expected that the normal deposit of half a term’s fees will not be required, but this is at the discretion of the Governors.

Who can apply for a bursary?

Bursaries are allocated subject to a place being available. Although the bursaries are primarily intended for children currently studying in a state school, we believe strongly in our existing Kew College Prep community, and therefore any current Kew College Prep family who encounters financial difficulties will be able to apply for a bursary.

The bursary is available to children who we believe can make a positive contribution to the School, demonstrate a love of learning and good behaviour and wish to enter Kew College Prep in Years 3 or 4. Bursaries are not eligible to parents applying from overseas.

Is the bursary scheme only relevant to new families?

Bursaries are primarily for children who are currently educated in the state system. The School currently operates a limited hardship fund which supports families who have a short-term change of circumstances. This scheme will continue. However, any current Kew College Prep family who encounters financial difficulties will be able to apply for a bursary. The bursary is different to the hardship fund.

How will children be selected?

Initially we will request a copy of your child’s current school report, and then we will ask the Head of your child’s current school to provide both an academic and non-academic assessment of them. If these reports support the likelihood of your child being successful in gaining a bursary place, we will invite them to an assessment at the School.

Only on successful completion of your child’s assessment will we ask for a full financial circumstances form to be completed, which is then assessed by the Governors. All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Although we primarily assess academic potential, please also tell us if your child has any additional talents, such as unusually strong musical, drama or sporting abilities.

Is it just School fees that will be paid for as part of the bursary?

Residential School trips and Additional Learning Support may be paid for as part of the bursary programme. Day trips are included in the fees

Will every bursary be 100%

No. The bursary level is set on an individual basis as a contribution towards the cost of school fees. There will be a scale depending on the income and assets of the family that is applying. This will start at 100% and go down to around 10%, although it is worth stressing that the actual award will be at the discretion of the Governors. Any family with a gross income of more than £50,000 pa is unlikely to receive any bursary funding.

The Bursar is responsible for the management and coordination of the bursary process.

Any bursary awarded will be means-tested each year.

If a bursary child gets a place, will their siblings also?

This is not guaranteed and will depend on available funding, academic potential and other bursary applications.

Who do I speak to if I have further questions?

Specific questions regarding bursaries should be made to the Bursar (

students running
Open Morning - Friday 14th February

We are delighted to welcome prospective parents to our next open morning on Friday 14th February.

You will head from our Head, meet our staff, some current parents and have a tour of the school from our enthusiastic Year 6 children!

Book your place here