girl holding a stick


students singing in a choir

Carol Service 2023

12th December 2023

As always, this was a magical way to end the autumn term, with our annual Junior House Carol Service at St Anne’s Church. All children... Read article

Little red Riding Hood Pantomine

12th December 2023

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a very exciting start to the last week of term. We enjoyed a visit from three... Read article

Year 4 PBL Lighting a Village

12th December 2023

Throughout the Autumn Term, Year 4 have been working incredibly hard on designing and building their PBL villages. Finally, on the last day of term,... Read article

perfume in space

A bottle perfume was sent to Space by one of our Dads!

29th November 2023

The Infant House were delighted to have a wonderful assembly by Evren’s (Reception Blue) dad, Mr Grey. Mr Grey spoke about his career in the... Read article

Tower Bridge Trip

27th November 2023

Year 5 recently went on a trip to Tower Bridge to learn all about the forces at play and how the bridge was raised. It... Read article

SPEAR Charity Funraiser

20th November 2023

Year 4 are a charity triumph again! Alexa, Alexandra and Hattie kick-started the week with a sugar fix, selling lovely baked goodies for charity. The... Read article

students building a model with sticks

Y4 & Y5 Architecture Workshops

17th November 2023

Who knew you could learn so much and have so much fun with just a few (hundred) rubber bands and plenty of bamboo? On Wednesday... Read article

Year 1 Trip to Kew Botanical Gardens

15th November 2023

On a lovely sunny Wednesday, The Year 1 children walked sensibly and excitedly to Kew Botanical Gardens. Once they arrived, they had a quick toilet... Read article

Visit from a real-life explorer- Jamie Anderson

10th November 2023

Year 2 were very excited to have a visit from Jamie Anderson, a real-life explorer! Jamie’s love of everything polar led him onto leading expeditions... Read article

people dressed up for diwali

Year 4 Diwali Assembly

10th November 2023

On Friday 10th November, a small group of Year 4 children lead a Diwali themed Junior House Assembly, accompanied by their parents. Ishaan, Anahita, Ahaan,... Read article

Our 11+ results are here!

We’re delighted to share our latest 11+ results, where a fantastic 70% of pupils have been offered places at one or more of the following schools: St Paul’s, Westminster, St Paul’s Girls’, KCS, Hampton, Godolphin and Latymer, LEH and Latymer Upper.

Click here to read more about our results!