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Pastoral Care & Safeguarding

Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Curriculum underpins everything we do at Kew College Prep. Pupils are taught how to share worries with trusted adults and our school team works hard to create a safe and nurturing environment where children feel valued and listened to.

Our small class sizes and high teacher to pupil ratio help support this and mean that every pupil receives close attention and support from adults who take the time to get to know them. The mutual respect between staff and pupils is perfectly exemplified by our School Council, where elected representatives from each class put forward suggestions to improve the school, with many of these ideas put into practice.

The strong sense of community at Kew College Prep is enhanced by our governors and parents, all of whom are fully committed to the school’s ethos and values and work tirelessly on its behalf. It is this cooperation and bond between everyone in our school community that makes Kew College Prep such a happy, successful and popular school.


Our safeguarding team is visible around school and, with our committed team of staff, prioritise the safety and protection of each child entrusted to our care.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Miss Robyn Hodgson
Deputy DSLs: Mrs Jane Bond and Mrs Selbi Fryer

Safeguarding Governor: Dr Pavlu


To read our safeguarding policy, please visit our Policies page.

We have also created a children’s version of our safeguarding policy, which can be found here: Child Friendly Safeguarding Policy

Concerned about a child?

If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed or would like to access Early Help you should contact the local Single Point of Access (Kingston and Richmond SPA) on 020 8547 5008 or the Police on 999 in emergency situations. You can also contact the LADO at or 07774 332675.